Leeds Record Fair

In this post, I wanna talk about my Esperance at a record fair in Leeds that I attended this weekend.

So me and my partner woke up at the crack of dawn, well it sure felt like it was because it was like 7am on a saturday, so while I waited for my dad to aravie as he was traveling 89 miles to come with me as my dad loves attending to record fairs as well, and after getting ready and making sure we had money and all the basics (were a forgetfull bunch) we jumped in car and traveled to leeds, its not a far comute for me as it is only 20 minutes from my house on bus.

so when we get there-there was tables full of records and all the nice neat layouts where they have them all alphabetized in categories and genres, the thing I like about record fairs is that I love how grown men act at record fairs, there are four types,

The lurker, who walk around and swoop in for a quick look acting like they're not really bothered, then there are the dreaded,
hipsters, no we all know a hipster, but they are the worst, they pretend they know what they are on about and only buy inde artists that they have no clue who they are but reckon they do, they also go around the place taking photos of each other looking threw and not actually buying anything, then there are the guys who actually collect,
The avid collector and they take it very seriously, they are the guys who question everything and will pay without question and unlike the hipster, they know what they are talking about and they are so fun to talk to, then there are,
The casual collector, like me and probably you, we are they kinda people who collect, get really excited when we find something we have been looking for, we also have a modest set up not a cheap set up but not one that cost more than a house, and not like a hipster who has a 20 pound cheap supermarket player, not knocking them as I think they're great for starters who are just getting into it, but the little red phono cartridge isn't the best.

But in all was a fantastic few hours and my farther came away with 70 plus records, will admit he got alot of amazing deals, I did get a few I was looking for like Micheal Jacksons Bad, iv been looking for an orgnal pressing, not a reissuse to add to my MJ collection, and my partner manged to get The Beatles red album on red vinyl, what I understand is that it was the 1978 version of the album, and I know they reissed it in 2014 but I know its not that one as I have a few reissues of the beatles and they are on 180 gram.
I will leave some photos for you guys and girls.

Anyways, time to finish this up, what kinda people would you guys name at a record fair, and if you haven't been to one you should, everyone is so friendly and you will no doubt get into a conversation or two about music

Peace and Love



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